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This website was made as part of the virtual reconstruction of architectural heritage course in bauhaus universität weimar spring school.

It's easy for abandoned industry buildings to go unnoticed and disregarded as heritage. Their decaying state does not offer the same picturesque effect as the ruins of castles or sanctuaries. the massive structures of rusted steel, broken concrete, and disintegrating stone spoil the view and ruin the landscape for many. Yet, we experience the results of production and industry in nearly every step of our lives. A factory is not just machines but a living organism that encompasses of its architecture, history, and people whose whole lives revolved around it. Kindergartens, cinemas, and libraries were maintained at the factory's expense, the workers organized their own sports teams, parties, and theatre plays.   

The project gives the viewer an insiders look into an abandoned central heating station of the old Pulp and Paper Factory in Tallinn. The original art nouveau-style limestone building has received many random extensions and lost a lot of its authentic form. Yet, it has preserved its clinker brick chimney, reinforced concrete structures, industrial details (metal walkways, stairs, cranes etc) technologically advanced for their time.




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